Thursday, 28 November 2013

Weaving again at Wickerwool

This Tuesday at wickerwool knit and natter, Ginny brought her four shaft table loom again, since we spent the time last week putting it together and giving it a bit of a clean, it was time to show her how to wind a warp and warp the loom! Ginny doesn't have a warping board yet and my warping board had warp being wound on it so I couldn't bring it. Luckily as I was leaving home I thought it might be an idea if I took my inkle loom. This was a great idea because I managed to show her how to wind a warp (even if it was only a short length).

Ginny picked it up quickly and within no time I was showing her where to tie the warp before we took it over to the loom! 

I like to warp my might wolf loom from back to front, so this was the technique I showed Ginny.

We turned the loom so the back was facing up, up the lease sticks through the warp and then attached it to the back using an apron stick. We then wound it on to the back beam. Once it was wound on it was time to cut the end of the warp. Ginny couldn't bring herself to do this, which I understand! The first time it can be hard to believe that you have to do this after your hard work. So I did the honour, meaning that it was time to thread the heddles.

I thought a 2/2 twill would be a nice pattern to start with, you simple thread shafts 1,2,3,4 and repeat.

The reed was then threaded after the heddles and the ends tied on to the front. Time to weave! 

I hope she enjoys it! 

Come see use next week!

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