Thursday, 3 July 2014


Hey everyone, my blog has moved to my website!


I hope to see you over there :)

Happy weaving!


Saturday, 8 March 2014

Fibres of my Heart

Today I spent the afternoon relaxing and getting creative! I lifted out my scraps of fibre and my drum carder and had some fun.

Fibre ready to use!
Fibre on the drumcarder

The finished batt

I then made some hearts from the handspun yarn. I love the hippy art yarn look to the hearts :)

Happy spinning!

Colour gamps

I love colour, it think when you make something it's often the colour that matters the most. I came across this article on Pinterest from Weavezine on colour gamps. It has three beautiful patterns for colour camps and lots of information. So go check it out for inspiration! I only wish lunatic fringe yarn was cheaper in the UK! As I would buy all the colours and do it myself!

Here is the link...

Have you woven a colour gamp? I would love to see it and know what yarn you used!

Also I now have a Facebook page! Please like it, I need all the support I can get as my business is about to go live!

Happy weaving!

Thursday, 20 February 2014

A book binding break

So last week was a little holiday for me, I needed it badly. I am feeling much happier, although I seemed to have spent the week fighting a bug. I guess that's just what happens when you start to relax. I enjoyed jumping back on top of my little business on Monday but I really enjoyed the week off! 

I have been trying to give myself other hobbies, other than weaving, as I have kinda turned weaving into work. So I have started to write, I'm bad at writing but it's fun. I'm writing a short children's story. So it's just a light descriptive book. I need to teach myself not to be really concise like university taught me to be.
At the same time I am drawing little illustrations to accompany the story. I'm not sure what style of drawing I want to do but I like kawaii manga best :)

Thirdly I've been bookbinding, I sewed my first A5 spine. And bound it in book cloth. The book cloth is a orangey beige colour, it looked like a sandy yellow on the website when I bought it. I guess that's the problem with buying online. But anyway I'm chuffed with it!

Now I am playing with the idea of embroidering fabric, turning it into book cloth, which I saw a 'how-to' on I only had white fabric so I've stained it with tea, Yorkshire tea.

It worked out but I decided not to use it as the cover of the book! I also tried to distress it with inks and sandpaper! 

Thursday, 13 February 2014

I have many leather bound books

Today I made a little leather bound book. I followed the great tutorial you can find on making my rent. It's so cute, I'm going to illustrate the inside with nautical themed pictures. Here are some pictures as I'm not feeling very wordy today!

Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Name Change

Hello everyone, I have changed my name! That's right I am no longer Woodland fibres, I am now The  Inquisitive Weaver!

My blog address is no longer

It is now

I will be deleting my google account for tinywoodlandfibres soon so my new email is

My etsy shop has now changed too! It's no longer WoodlandFibres it's now

I will soon have a Facebook page too, but that will wait for now! You may ask 'why all these changes?' Well I'm starting my own little business :) I'm really excited and there will be more information to come at a later date! Hopefully my website will go live soon too. I've given myself a deadline of 15 th February to be up and running.

So watch this space as exciting things will be happening!

Wednesday, 22 January 2014

The Turkish spindle project

So my favourite buy from woolfest last year was my tiny Turkish spindle. I bought it because it was so tiny and cute. Yes I love little things, and yes I actually did buy it because it was little.

It produces a tiny little ball of yarn at the end, I'm going to call it a yarn cake! I'm sure this is already a word used but oh well. Here are the two little balls of 2 ply yarn I spun on it today.

I'm trying to use up the fibre I bought as waste from world of wool. I love the waste bag, it comes with lots and lots of samples of yarn(well they aren't samples, but waste). It's amazing and so cheap. I have a 500g bag. So my idea is to spin the waste sample on my Turkish spindle and then weave little squares to eventually make a blanket! I am hoping to get a zoom loom which you weave a simple square. This will be an in between project. The project for when I'm taking a break! 
The picture below is some of the fibre I got in the bag.

I'll keep you posted on this project, I'll try and do an update a week maybe! 

Happy spinning and weaving!

Monday, 20 January 2014

Gold and it's done!

Finished the final colour and now it drying after being fulled :) I really enjoyed weaving this. Cannot wait to finish it all off and show you!

This is the longest and widest piece that I have woven on my mighty wolf so far!

Saturday, 18 January 2014


Pink done, gold almost done too!

My right side selvedges are so bad! Why? Why? I don't understand how I can be neat on the left but not the right!

Anyway more pictures tomorrow!

Start wearing purple!

Turquoise finished... Purple finished now for pink!

I love weaving :) 

Thursday, 16 January 2014

Lazy day pants

The past few days, I've been thinking about making some trousers to wear around the house on those lazy days. The days when skinny jeans just don't appeal (especially when I like to sit with my knees up).  I've also been thinking about summer, brighter days and warmer weather. I am usually a winter person but after a horrible year, winter just isn't welcome. I need happy and uplifting weather to get through my grief. So I am thinking of weaving some summer, happy pants for those lazy days.

I have looked at design seeds to get the bright colour pallette I'm looking for and these two images are my favourite so far.

Bright and cheery!

I think I would randomise the colours in the warp, I don't want the pants to have a uniform look, i want them to be wild, or rather hippy-ish!

I'm not sure about the weave I would do, maybe a twill or even plain. I saw a huck lace pattern I thought looked nice, and it looked suitable for pants.

I kind of like the weaving sample I did the other day, if I mixed up the colours abit more!

What yarn would I use? I have no idea!!! Maybe cotton or cottoline. I am most definitely up for advice and suggestion here!

I think this could be a really fun, exciting project. It would also be lovely if it was a weave-a-long on the blogosphere? I know I don't have many followers but it could be a nice thing to do! 

Turquoise love

I love the colour turquoise it's my favourite colour. Here is my latest weaving, it reminds me of summer!

I also experimented with colour, which was a lot of fun :)