Thursday, 20 February 2014

A book binding break

So last week was a little holiday for me, I needed it badly. I am feeling much happier, although I seemed to have spent the week fighting a bug. I guess that's just what happens when you start to relax. I enjoyed jumping back on top of my little business on Monday but I really enjoyed the week off! 

I have been trying to give myself other hobbies, other than weaving, as I have kinda turned weaving into work. So I have started to write, I'm bad at writing but it's fun. I'm writing a short children's story. So it's just a light descriptive book. I need to teach myself not to be really concise like university taught me to be.
At the same time I am drawing little illustrations to accompany the story. I'm not sure what style of drawing I want to do but I like kawaii manga best :)

Thirdly I've been bookbinding, I sewed my first A5 spine. And bound it in book cloth. The book cloth is a orangey beige colour, it looked like a sandy yellow on the website when I bought it. I guess that's the problem with buying online. But anyway I'm chuffed with it!

Now I am playing with the idea of embroidering fabric, turning it into book cloth, which I saw a 'how-to' on I only had white fabric so I've stained it with tea, Yorkshire tea.

It worked out but I decided not to use it as the cover of the book! I also tried to distress it with inks and sandpaper! 

Thursday, 13 February 2014

I have many leather bound books

Today I made a little leather bound book. I followed the great tutorial you can find on making my rent. It's so cute, I'm going to illustrate the inside with nautical themed pictures. Here are some pictures as I'm not feeling very wordy today!

Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Name Change

Hello everyone, I have changed my name! That's right I am no longer Woodland fibres, I am now The  Inquisitive Weaver!

My blog address is no longer

It is now

I will be deleting my google account for tinywoodlandfibres soon so my new email is

My etsy shop has now changed too! It's no longer WoodlandFibres it's now

I will soon have a Facebook page too, but that will wait for now! You may ask 'why all these changes?' Well I'm starting my own little business :) I'm really excited and there will be more information to come at a later date! Hopefully my website will go live soon too. I've given myself a deadline of 15 th February to be up and running.

So watch this space as exciting things will be happening!