Sunday 29 December 2013

Honeybee cushion

Honeybees and other pollinator bees are of high importance for our food security and economy. It is incredible that such same beings (which strike fear in the hearts of some) are of such high importance to us. They are even more interesting when you take a look at their biology and social structure. I love insects I think they are fascinating and weird.

So when I saw the fibre (pictured below) for sale at HilltopCloud I jumped at the opportunity to buy 200 grams of it! It has been quite a while since I last knit anything and I hadn’t had any pain in my hands for a while so I decided it was time to start spinning again. I looked in my cupboard and saw the Exmoor Blueface fibre in colourway Honeybee staring back at me, and thought why not do a bee themed project? Why not tie my love for entomology with my love for spinning and weaving?!

My first task was to spin a yarn that had a gradient going from yellow to brown. I decided to do this by fractal spinning the fibre. This entails splitting the fibre in half down the length of it. Putting one half of it aside I then split the other half into four pieces length ways again and these four pieces were spun to one bobbin. The other half which hasn’t been split is then spun to another bobbin. This gave me a gradual change in colour.

At this point I had only spun 100 grams as I wanted to see how much I needed for the cushion and secondly if I was going to get the desired effect I wanted. This was the first time I have tried to do a fractal spin! I then decided on the pattern I wanted to weave. I decided on the pattern for bathroom mats on page 146 in the big book of weaving by Lundell &Windesjo. The pattern won’t be exactly the same as I am using different yarn sizes but the picture below shows more how it should turn out for me. I probably should have chosen a pattern more like honeycomb!

My handspun was to be used as the weft and I used some 4ply white cotton I have left over. My cushion cover needed to be 16 ½ X 16 ½ inches. I dressed my loom with warp which was 20” wide and 48” long, this gave extra length and width for seam allowance and such. Myhandspun yarn was 2 ply at 164 yards and 10 WPI, this should have hopefully be plenty as my project calculator predicted I would need 146 yards, so I didn’t spin the second braid of fibre.
After weaving 26 ½ inches I ran out of handspun yarn. So at this point I had to stop weaving and start spinning again. When looking at my notes that I had made, I had only taken into account the length one side of the cushion! I had even added enough length to factor in the flap for the opening of the cushion but had totally forgotten that I would need two lengths of 16 ½ inches. Luckily I had decided to warp a longer length than needed as I already had a route mapped out on my warping board. Also it would seem I was weaving with 12 picks per inch rather than the 10 I had anticipated, so I my calculations for how much handspun I needed was again well out! Oh well! It’s not a disaster as it will all work out in the end.
So spun the next 100g but because I didn’t spin it at the same time, I accidently spun it thinner than the last batch! Instead of being 10 wpi like the last skein this one was 12 wpi. This project is turning into a bit of a disaster but I carried on and wove it anyway!
So the ties holding the apron rod which had the yarn on it snapped and I almost gave up on the project. I thought it was going to be unfixable, but I tied it back on and put tension on it again and carried on weaving. I would not be defeated!
Finally off the loom it came! I gently washed it in warm water, rolled it in a towel to get water out and set it out to dry. So I come to it today to make the cushion…. And its shrunk. I never factored in shrinking to my seam allowance! I lost 3 ½ inches in width. This made it the exact width the cushion needed to be. I don’t know what to do with the fabric now. I feel slumped, saddened by it. I was so excited about my own handspun cushion cover. I will put it aside til I figure out what to do with it.
Any suggestions?


Tuesday 17 December 2013

Design seeds

I thought I would share with you a website that I love! It is called design seeds. It's just wonderful. Daily images are posted with the colour palette next to them. Whenever I have felt really stuck for colours I always go to this site for inspiration. Here is a link to the site Design Seeds.

Here are a few of my winter favourites! All taken from the website! 

Go check it out! Because it is pure awesomeness! You'll never be stuck for a colour palette again!

Monday 16 December 2013

Spinning techniques!

I must admit, I have never really thought about what I'm doing when I spin colourful fibre. I've been watching Felecia Lo spinning with colour on craftsy and decided to tackle a fibre that had very bright colours that I didn't like and try to tone it down by the way that I spin it. I thought I would just have a practice, so I only used a piece from the roving. I simply pulled of a peice from the side. 

The picture doesn't really do the colour justice! It's almost fluorescent! Anyway, I spit it into the bluey green and the yellow, then held them together as I spun.

This gave a barber pull yarn.

I then Navajo plied the yarn and it came out a much more green yarn. Optical blending! It's much less garish than it was before! I'm really happy with the result!

Now I just need a zoom loom to make little squares from all my handspun sample! Then I'll be able to make a handspun sample blanket :P

Happy spinning! 

Ps my latest weaving should come off the loom tomorrow! :) 


Sunday 15 December 2013

New yarn

Mmmm I got some more yarn, jaggerspun. The colours are so bright and happy! Now to start planning which draft I shall use!

Saturday 14 December 2013

Saori weaving

I thought I would share some pictures of some saori weaving I did months ago! But I've been thinking about doing some more again recently. It's basically free style weaving and is fun!! Here are two pieces I have done, the blue one is my favourite.

Also our dog broke the christmas tree to today. She jumped on the arm of the chair next to the tree and fell off into the tree, breaking a branch. Oops! Don't worry she is ok, but our fake tree isn't so! 

Saturday 7 December 2013

Today I turned 24

That's right today I started a new year of my life. I know I'm not old but seriously when did I reach 24?!?! I still feel like I'm 18! But I think despite all that's happened (if you exclude what's  happened) I think I happy with where I am in life. 

I got some awesome presents off my family :) I will show you a few hobby related ones! 

Firstly off my Dad I got the book I wanted by Janet Phillips 

He also got me a mug set... Herdy wool journey mug set :D:D

My brother Craig got me a book on teddy bear making techniques :D

And my eldest brother Adam got me a t-shirt with my blog header on it!!

Thank you to my family, they are awesome. 

But I feel that I should set the tone for my new year. I love learning, knowledge is awesome and I want my brain to sponge it all up! So I learnt a new spinning technique! Navajo plying! I always thought it looked very complicated but I saw a video that explained it very well, so off I went and plyed an unloved single that's been hanging around for a while! 

Well I loved it! Really loved it and I can see myself using it loads! 

I think I will finish with a picture of what's currently on my loom. I hope you had a great day too! 

Friday 6 December 2013

My last handspun yarn

I thought I would share my last handspun fibre that I odd earlier this year.

Firstly is some polworth in colour way Lauren from yummy yarns! I chain ply-ed it. So I made four singles. Made two lengths of two ply and then ply-ed them together to make a four ply yarn. I didn't like polworth! I kept loosing the yarn up the oriface! 

The next is merino/ cashmere mix I got at woolfest this year from hill top cloud! It was SO lovely to spin and I did it in no time at all :) I spun 200 grams and made two skeins of it.

Did I mention how much I love it?

Now I just need to use them for something! Any suggestions? I would knit it them but I get RSI. Maybe I'll weave a scarf! 


Only 240 threads to thread through the heddles. I'm liking the tencel :) this is a four shaft pattern from 'the handweavers pattern directory' p71 bottom draft. 

Right time to continue to thread! 

Wednesday 4 December 2013

Dye another day

Yesterday I was at wickerwool with Cathy from Lazykate, she was showing us how to dye yarn and fibre. We started off using acid dyes on yarn, I used my acid dyes from ashford that I got earlier this year (but hadn't used yet! ).  Cathy explained it very well and what seemed daunting and hard wasn't at all! I now really can't wait to start doing my dying at home.

This is what my yarn looked like after I had painted and set the dyes

I really like them both and look forward to experimenting more! Here the are re-skeined! 

To see what the others did and hear about using natural dyes cheak out Cathy's blogpost

Happy weaving/ dying! 

I'll leave you with a picture of our christmas tree

Monday 2 December 2013

Another off the loom

My friend came to stay at the weekend, and another is staying with a local friend so we had a mini reunion. It was a lovely weekend, but come Monday morning the weaving began again and I finished my advancing twill. I like that I tried something new and you can see the pattern when I lay it out but, I'm not a fan of it. I'm also not sure what to do with it lol

Anyway here is a picture of it 

I have now started to warp 8/2 tencel yarn, which I have never used before. It's very smooth and shiny. I have decided to very a gothic cross pattern. So more updates on that later this week. Tomorrow I'm taking some undated yarn to wickerwool, so I can be shown how to dye it by Cathy. I was going to wind it into a warp but I don't have time to do that so I will just have to dye them as skeins! I will show you the result tomorrow!

It's December now so I can say Merry christmas!